Verdict: $2 Million – West Bend, WI

On February 5, 2025, Dan Billington’s expert testimony in a civil case in West Bend, WI, resulted in a $2 million jury verdict. The logging truck’s negligent entry onto the highway, obstructing visibility, led to severe injuries. The passenger vehicle’s electronic data recorder played a crucial role in discrediting opposing claims.

Verdict: $4.26 Million in Crash Caused by Former Cop

A Delaware County, IA jury delivered their verdict, finding that former cop, James Wessels, committed reckless acts and did so with willful disregard for life in the death of a Northeast Iowa Man in 2021.  The jury has demanded that he and the City of Manchester, Iowa pay $4.26 Million to the man’s family! On […]

Homicide Acquittal – Shelby County, IA

GLFE’s Dan Billington’s testimony was used by the legal team representing a Western Iowa farmer accused in the death of an intoxicated motorcyclist who had also been consuming marijuana.  Mr. Billington’s testimony before the Shelby County jury focused on the speeds of the vehicles, perception and response considerations, and avoidability. The jury deliberated for several […]

Rochester, MN – Homicide Acquittal

truck with caution tape after accident

Homicide charges were brought against a man with diminished mental capacity, for a tragic accident that took the life of his girlfriend.  Police made no effort to properly investigate the core issues of lighting and visibility, and as a result, the State of MN public defender had to retain Dan Billington.  Mr. Billington completed a […]

Kalispell, MT – Jury Verdict

truck on side of road

After a week-long trial, a jury ruled in favor of our client’s estate in a wrongful death case, awarding $650,000. The case centered around the reckless conduct of a Flathead County worker who, knowing that a pedestrian was present along the roadside, continued backing with full disregard of the danger he (through testimony) knew he […]

Wausau, WI – Full Acquittal

yellow sports car and overturned semi in ditch

Felony charges for a homicide-related traffic offense were levied against a man after he turned left across the path of a vehicle that was travelling more than 25 mph above the posted speed limit.  After testimony before a jury, the man was acquitted of all charges with blame being placed exactly where it belonged, on […]

Kaiserslautern, Germany – Conviction

black sedan smashed after accident

Mr. Billington was called to testify at an international trial as the prosecution expert.  His hard work and attention to detail was instrumental in obtaining the prosecution of a vehicle operator who was speeding at more than 107 mph (172 kmh) in a posted 50 kmh (31 mph) speed zone when he struck a vehicle […]

Marquette, MI – Full Acquittal

accident scene at night with police car

A Wisconsin man, accused of homicide while operating a vehicle while intoxicated, was acquitted after a jury deliberation.  Mr. Billington was the sole expert for the defense, testifying as to the tragic death of an American Indian. The prosecution offered witness testimony from numerous FBI agents and police officers, as well as “eye witnesses” to […]

Rice County, MN – Charges Dropped

white and blue sedans in crash with emergency responders

Felony charges of causing injury by OWI were dropped against a Minneapolis woman.  Support given by Mr. Billington to the defense attorney allowed her to get a Minnesota State Trooper disqualified as a witness. Rather than face Mr. Billington in trial, the prosecutor requested and was granted, a dismissal of all accident-related charges.

Wisconsin Rapids, WI – Full Acquittal

blue truck in collision with red sedan

Mr. Billington was the witness instrumental in the full acquittal of a young woman who was tried for a 2017 vehicular homicide case.  This case hinged on the presence of “black ice”, which a Wisconsin State Trooper claimed was insignificant in the cause of the collision, despite officers at the scene reporting that it was […]