Verdict: $4.26 Million in Crash Caused by Former Cop

March 23, 2024

A Delaware County, IA jury delivered their verdict, finding that former cop, James Wessels, committed reckless acts and did so with willful disregard for life in the death of a Northeast Iowa Man in 2021.  The jury has demanded that he and the City of Manchester, Iowa pay $4.26 Million to the man’s family!

On December 10, 2020, the Iowa State Patrol, Delaware County, IA, and others were involved in the pursuit of a man who fled from a traffic stop. The reason for the stop was a speeding violation only, no warrants, no violent crime, just an infraction.

As the pursuit, which had begun on US I-20, exited the freeway and entered the City of Manchester, IA, the lead unit, Eric Payne of the Iowa State Police made the often-difficult call, and rightfully terminated the chase for the safety of the rider and others.

This was not acceptable to Manchester, IA police lieutenant James Wessels. With the “Not on my watch!” mentality, he re-engaged the pursuit and chased the rider, Gus Mormann, north into a rural area of Delaware County.

Leaving all other officers behind, Wessels waited until he got to a remote stretch of roadway where, once alone, he repeatedly rammed the motorcycle with his squad, ultimately causing the bike to crash, sending Mormann tumbling into the ditch. Mormann would later die after a laying in a coma, on January 15, 2021.

Wessel’s cruiser had a video camera, and he wore a body camera as well. Neither was preserved, and the jury has agreed that Wessel’s account of what happened was not only reckless but willful.

During the testimony of GLFE’s Dan Billington, Wessels laughed and was disruptive.  Wessels retired in 2022.

The verdict was returned this past Thursday as the jury awarded the family of Mr. Mormann $4.25 MILLION!!! They also ordered Wessels to pay punitive damages of $10,000 out of his own pocket.

As a note, we at GLFE know that Wessels actions are not representative of the tens of thousands of great cops this country has.  His actions were his alone.  Our hearts go out to the family who lost their loved one in this incident.


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