Accident Reconstruction

Uncovering the truth about collisions

Causal Analysis

Decoding Traffic Incidents

A proper collision reconstruction is crucial to understanding the events that lead to a crash. Employing advanced evidence collection techniques such as electronic mapping solutions, photogrammetry, laser scanning, and more, we are able to analyze the physical evidence at the scene, vehicle damage profiles, visibility and other environmental conditions.

Our team is highly trained in the collection and analysis of electronic data recorded by vehicle event data recorders (EDRs), in-vehicle camera systems, and GPS. This allows us to evaluate that data as to both its accuracy and application in a variety of incidents. Having a proper analysis of the both the physical evidence and electronic data is imperative to not only determine the causal factors, but to evaluate the statements and actions of operators, passengers, and witnesses. Using all of this information, we are able to reconstruct an incident using cutting-edge software based on a thorough analysis. This allows us to create visually representative exhibits which help our clients and others understand how events unfolded.

A proper collision reconstruction analysis can reveal speeds, allow us evaluate time and distance considerations, bring the effect of environmental factors into perspective, and provide a thorough understanding of the various human factors involved. All of this information is necessary to uncover the truth while providing valuable insights into the causal factors. This not only assists with navigating complex legal proceedings, but also aids in achieving the goal of improving safety.

Data Collection

Evidence of all types is collected.

Utilizing scene evidence, vehicle data, and advanced imaging technology, we are able to complete a thorough analysis.

Science Driven

Using scientifically accepted methodologies.

Combining physics & engineering concepts, mathematics, research, and advanced analytical software, we meticulously analyze all of the dynamics that are involved in the crash.

Highly Accurate Exhibits

A thorough analysis lays the foundation for high-quality exhibits for use in depositions and courtrooms.

Utilizing the most advanced analytical methods we are able to combine the physical evidence, our analysis, and other information to create detailed 3-D renderings

Collision Dynamics

Investigating Collision Scenes

At the core of collision reconstruction is the collision dynamics analysis. This process involves determining angles of impact, vehicle speeds, and the resulting forces that tell us how the events played out. To shed more light on the situation, our experts analyze debris distribution, damage patterns, movements, and more to piece the puzzle together.